MasterDrive – Saving Lives One Driver at a Time


MasterDrive is the world’s leading driver safety company. We have driving schools in Denver, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins CO and Orange County CA. MasterDrive has been recognized and featured nationally for their unique programs by AutoWeek Magazine, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, NBC Nightly News, Fox, CBS, PBS, ADED, The United States Army, and many other national organizations and companies.

The basic minimum requirements to get a driver’s license does not adequately prepare new drivers. On-line and traditional driver education simply does not prepare a new driver with the skills they will need. Driver education and driver awareness is important, but a teen learns the skills to control a car just like they learn to play a sport or play an instrument. By practicing. Experiencing. Repetitions.

A teen learns about the dynamic limitations of a 4,000 pound vehicle by doing, not by telling them to be careful. They don’t learn about the dangers of driving by lecture! They do not learn to drive defensively by watching a video.

We will show you our totally unique process. What we do. Why we do it. How we do it. Some families are only looking to meet the basic minimum requirements for their child to get a driver’s license. Other families are very concerned, and believe that their child needs to learn more about driving – to learn the skills necessary to survive. If you are one of these families, you’ll want to learn more about The MasterDrive Experience. You are making one of the most important decisions of their lives.

For more information contact us at our following locations.

Denver Driving School

Colorado Springs Driving School

Fort Collins Driving School

Orange County Driving School