Phobic Drivers

MasterDrive conducts several unique and very specialized training programs that have been developed for specific objectives. For teens and adults.

It is estimated that more than 4 million drivers in the United States suffer from a serious phobic driving condition – an extreme fear of driving. This is very often the result of a traumatic crash, especially as the result of an injury. The fear can also be the result of an incident while driving in bad conditions. A driver usually knows whether or not they are prepared to handle a crisis. As a result, it is difficult for them to be comfortable and appropriately respond to a crisis situations while driving.

The MasterDrive program for Phobic Drivers is a two phase process:

  1. Phase I. A strategy session in the office to define the probable cause of the fear, together with a discussion as to the process.
  2. Phase II. A one day defensive skills clinic to build confidence as the result of a new experience – of learning to handle those conditions or situations. The training is literally a ‘reprogramming’ of the brain. The process is to “deprogram” the anxiety and fear; and to “reprogram” confidence as a result of new skills.